Tuesday 4 August 2015


What is the main purpose of life? What is the point of us being in this world? What are we suppose to achieve out of this? Are we suppose to die and use the knowledge we gain in this life in the after life? No one knows. We just believe in our religion. Well not everyone believe in there own religion. We never got the chance to chose between religions. We never got the chance to chose if we want to believe in a creator or not. Even if we did get the chance what are we meant to chose? Who are we suppose to believe in and why? I believe in Allah. I am a Muslim but the reason behind me being a Muslim is my parents. Both my parents are Muslim. We trust our parents and do what they tell us to do. Then why don't we listen to every other things that they tell us to do? Where does our trust go when they tell us to do something we don't like? They are our parents after all. They have seen more of this world then us. They have experienced more. Yet we doubt them. I don't know about everyone but most kids, teenagers, adults doubt there own parents in few cases. The same way I did and still do sometimes.

I am a teenager. As a teenager we experience a lot. One of those thing is LOVE. What is love? Why do we say we feel something in our organ that pumps blood in our body when we are in love? Is love important? Do we gain something when we are in love? At the end of the day us human beings all we think about is winning and losing. Look at me just the other day I lost the girl I love. Why do I love her? Why am I attracted to her? Trust me she is not all that pretty. Even I didn't find her pretty before falling in love with her. Yet, now she is everything to me. I feel empty inside. I feel something missing inside of me. What is this feeling? Why am i feeling this? I know this is not a disease making me feel like that. I don't need a doctor. I just need her and only her.